Roseau River First Nation Reserve members are potentially eligible for a new program aimed at helping Treaty 1 people from Roseau River First Nation purchase off reserve homes.

Ginew Housing Authority Limited has set aside $100,000 per year to help their people obtain a home in the community they work in.

In order to qualify for the program, a potential applicant must be a Roseau River band member, at least 18 years old, employed, and eligible for a pre-approved mortgage amount from a bank or credit union.

Those approved by their financier are then asked to find a home with a real estate agent, through the guidance of Ginew Housing Authority Limited. Urban Housing Program Manager/Director Angela Prince-Smoke says at that point, up to $15,000 is allocated to the potential homeowner for their down payment.

The program is similar to Habitat for Humanity in that the lien is forgivable if the owner sells their home after residing in it for a minimum of four years. A similar program exists in Alberta, but this is the first of its kind in Manitoba.

Four members, have successfully participated in the program to date. Prince-Smoke says she coached many of these people, teaching them how to look for a home and work with a mortgage broker or a bank.

Prince-Smoke says being a part of this program has been very rewarding.

Ginew Housing Authority Limited has plans to continue the program in the future and will set aside up to $100,000 annually for Treaty 1 members to become off reserve home owners.