A hit and run Wednesday night at the Mountain and Thornhill intersection in Morden, has a mother, Jenna Warkentine, breathing a sigh of relief, after her thirteen-year-old son came home and reported he had narrowly missed being hit by a car when walking his bike east on the south crosswalk, when safe to do so. 

He told her later that evening, a car turned quickly through the intersection and hit his bike. He saw it coming, and had to jump forward so the car didn't hit him. 

"It's kind of ironic how us parents put so many tools and lessons into our kids in how to be safe, and how to do things like cross the road, and look both ways, and all those little things. I feel like this story was a testament to those life lessons. It mitigated some of the risks, and also the realization that as many safety tools as you can give them, the world is still very unpredictable."   

She said he had assured her he made sure it was safe to cross. 

"One thing I always told him every time he'd leave to just walk, or go to the park or whatever, I'd say, 'Make sure you see the cars, because they don't always see you.' Then we'd always say, 'Make sure you have eye contact with them. You should be able to tell what colour their eyes are before you start crossing the road.' I feel like he is aware enough now, because of all those teachings, that it reduced the possible risk that could have happened." 

He had made eye contact with a couple of the drivers before walking out, but halfway through the intersection, a car turned quickly, but being aware of his surroundings, he moved out of the way and the back wheel of his bike was hit, warping it a bit. 

Bike laying on the ground(Submitted picture) 

"He was able to cross the road completely, and he said he had to take a few breaths, he was shaking a bit, and a nice lady pulled into the parking lot of Rocks Bar and Grill and just stopped and asked if he was okay."

She doesn't know who the kind stranger in the red car is, but would love to talk with her. 

"They were lovely. It feels like for a parent to allow their child to go out in the world is very scary. There's lots of hazards, as we all know, and to have that one person who feels comfortable enough to stop, and just make sure everything's okay, helps me as a mom feel like, 'Okay, there's bad stuff, but maybe I can let you go and try again."  

The driver of the car that hit the bike unfortunately didn't stop.   

Warkentine has a message for all drivers. 

"So, for drivers, slow down. It's not worth it. Wherever you're going, whatever the urgency is, it's not worth your life, or someone else's life, or the harm that could come of the accident, and the regret that you would live with if something had happened. That would haunt you. So just slow down."  

She described saying goodnight to him that night. 

"I think I went into his room a few times and hugged him, and then gave him a kiss and I said, 'You know, I love you. I really just don't want to let you out.' It was tough." 

The Morden Police had not received a report of the incident at the time of the interview. The story will be updated if more information is available.