Manitoba’s largest street festival has a new Executive Director. 

Leane Funk, who has recently moved back to the Morden area, has taken over the role previously held by Tim Hodge.  

"I have a background in events,” says Funk. “I've never really headed up a festival of this size, and the opportunity seemed like a great learning experience. I've also become very fond of Morden in the six months I've lived here, so it [seemed] like a really great way to participate in the community.” 

Funk acknowledges that it is a bit late in the season for the festival to gain a new Executive Director, but she is confident that between the committee members, an “excellent” assistant, an understanding community, and parting assistance from Hodge, the festival is on track for success.  

“The great thing about the Corn and Apple is that it's run by so many committees who are so experienced, so it almost takes care of itself. I'm just here to be a resource for them and to make sure [that] those . . . from the community who want to be involved are able to participate.”  

For anyone who would like to volunteer for the festival, Funk says that there is “plenty of room for volunteers of all age groups [and] ability levels.” 

Funk’s passion for event-planning shines through what she’s most eager to see during the festival season.  

“I'm . . . looking forward to watching the [Corn & Apple] come together on the Wednesday and Thursday leading up to the actual start [on] Friday,” says Funk. “It's a big production. I know the committee members are experts, and I'm just excited to watch . . . the pieces come together.” 

There is also some nostalgia for Funk concerning the Morden Corn & Apple Festival, especially when it comes to the parade, which is also beloved by large crowds from all over Manitoba and beyond. 

“I know that the excitement around the parade is pretty great, and it was very much missed over those couple of years when it didn't [occur],” Funk says. “I myself am looking forward to seeing it again. I haven't watched it since I was a little kid.” 

To register as a volunteer for the Morden Corn & Apple Festival, see the festival’s link below.  

~With files from Robyn Wiebe~