The Manitoba government is offering a break to post-secondary students.


In the throne speech, Premier Gary Doer pledged a tuition fee rebate for graduates in Manitoba.

He's offering up to 10% a year, up to 60%.

Many of the details have not been ironed out.

Meantime, Doer is pledging 4-billion dollars for highways over the next 10 years.

Part of this was announced back in spring allowing the government to get a jump start on some projects.

Also in today's speech, the NDP announced new tax breaks for seniors, the enviroment, and youth.


Local MLA's are already adding their two-cents on the speech.


Pembina MLA Peter George Dyck says there was nothing new and he's disappointed so much focus has been put on past issues rather than future initiatives.


Morris MLA Mavis Taillieu reflects Dycks comments saying they've had seven years to announce the projects presented today.


Meanwhile, Emerson MLA Jack Penner says the four billion dollars committed to highways could come back to haunt us in the next ten years.