Once completed the company will cut the number of hogs its processes annually from the current 7 million to somewhere between 4 and 5 million.


The dramatic rise in the value of the Canadian dollar is being cited as the main reason for the reorganziation.

Maple Leaf's feed business will also be restructured with a majority of its 17 mills being sold, and only one or two remaining under its control.

As for Elite Swine, President Michael McCain notes it's already going through an overhaul.

Currently more than 125,000 sows are part of Elite, and that will be shrunk to 50,000 sows that are 100% owned by Maple Leaf.

The reorganization also includes plans for Maple Leaf's Brandon facility, supported by a double shift by the end of 2009, to meet all of the company's future fresh pork requirements.

Maple Leaf's other plants will either be sold, or in the case of its Marion Street plant in Winnipeg, integrated into Brandon.


The Warman Road plant in Winnipeg will ultimately be converted to another typer of value added operation.