Dr. Tehmina Ali is the newest member of the Altona Clinic medical staff .    


Altona's physician numbers have been strengthened with the arrival of a new doctor.

Dr. Tehmina Ali has joined the medical staff at the Altona Clinic. Dr. Ali is originally from Pakistan and moved to Canada with her husband and daughter in 2008. She says she was drawn to Altona in part because of the strong core of physicans practicing in the community. Dr. Ali adds some of the ammenities  the town offers, such as a park and playground facility, also made Altona an attractive place to live. The family has purchased a house, and have begun to make Altona their new home.

Dr. Ali says she excited about starting her new practice, and commented on some of the differences between Canada's health care system and health care in her home country of Pakistan.

The hiring of Dr. Ali brings to five the total number of physicians working at the Altona Clinic.


~ Friday, May 28th, 2010 ~