Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure’s Hydrologic Forecast Centre is advising Manitobans to take precautions as much of southern Manitoba and the Interlake region could receive between 40 and 70 millimetres (mm) of rainfall Friday.

According to the latest forecasts, the highest totals are likely to occur in parts of southern Manitoba, the Interlake region, the Whiteshell lakes area and the city of Winnipeg. Heavy precipitation in short duration could create high surface run-off and overland flooding.

For the latest forecast and current Watches and Warnings, click here.

The same system is also expected to impact the United States’ portion of the Red and Souris river basins. Levels on rivers and streams will start to rise in response to the precipitation event. However, levels are forecast to remain within the banks for most major rivers including the Red and Assiniboine rivers.

Soil moisture is generally near normal in most parts of Manitoba except for the Interlake region where soil moisture is normal to above normal. Heavy precipitation in saturated soils could create overland flooding and could cause levels to rise above the banks in the Interlake region including the Fisher River basin.

The Hydrologic Forecast Centre also advises the forecast precipitation system comes with high northwest winds gusting up to 70 km/h. These high winds are expected to develop early tomorrow morning and last until the afternoon of May 25, which may raise levels by as much as five feet or more along the south basin of Lake Manitoba, as well as shorelines near Gimli on the west side and Victoria Beach on the east side of Lake Winnipeg. Property owners are advised to take precautions.

Power outages can occur during thunderstorms and Manitobans are encouraged to prepare basic emergency kits with drinking water, food, medicine, a first-aid kit and a flashlight.