The rainfall event on the second last weekend of May which dropped a significant amount of precipitation over a short period in parts of the region, had many municipalities assessing their roads and infrastructure.
In the RM of Stanley, Reeve Ike Friesen says about 4 inches of rain fell, and did some damage. Friesen says it did not do as much damage as the slow rainfalls experienced earlier in the spring.

"It (slow rainfall) softened them up a lot, and we have them (roads) now to the point they're in good condition again." 

The recent 4 inches of rain in late May caused water to run over roads in about two dozen areas.

"There's been some damage, but not too bad, so that's being repaired, and we feel they're (the roads) in pretty good shape."

Friesen said the moisture from heavier rain is good for the roads, as it helps pack the gravel.

The weather system in late May also allowed the R.M. to test some drainage work completed in 2023.

"We were watching some areas we had done some drainage work last year to improve runoff, especially into some homes in the villages. And it looked like it did what we wanted it to do. So, we were very impressed with that."

Friesen said there will be continued work in that regard, to try to prevent flooding in, and around homes. 

"Be aware of farming traffic that's out on the gravel roads," responded Friesen, when asked if he had any additional message to share. 

"There's construction happening, as well as farming going on, so the roads are busy. Please slow down, give room to the that's needed, and be safe out there."