Updated Sunday, May 26th at 6:49 am - As of late Saturday night, Winkler residents could resume normal water use according to an update provided by the city.

For our previous story, see below.


After 90 to 110mm of rainfall in less than twenty-four hours on Friday, City of Winkler officials are thanking residents and businesses who have had made efforts to reduce water usage as the city's pump stations were overwhelmed by the influx of water. With that said, officials are asking residents and businesses to continue reducing water usage throughout Saturday.

In an email update to PembinaValleyOnline Saturday morning, City Manager Jody Penner indicated pump stations are slowly gaining ground. 

"We had staff monitoring them throughout the night, and will continue through the day today," stated the update. "While Winkler has no combined sewer / storm drains, it is still important for residents and businesses to conserve water usage, as we do experience infiltration of storm water into our sewer system during significant rain events."

Some roads within city limits experienced minor flooding during the heavy rainfall.

According to the update, the city's drainage system worked as intended, but back-ups in certain areas were do to the volume and intensity of the rain.

"We are aware of some basements that had water, but we have only had a couple of calls about sewer back-up, to this point."

As the situation develops over the course of the day, residents are encouraged to monitor Winkler's website and social media platforms for updates, including when the water conservation request is lifted.