Saturday at Laverendrye Lanes in Winnipeg, more than sixty Special Olympics Manitoba 10-pin bowling athletes from across the province gathered for the final tournament of the season.

CFAM Radio 950 Morning Show Host Chris Sumner is the Co-Head Coach of the Valley Rollers club based out of VB's Entertainment Center in Winkler. The club had twelve athletes at the tournament, including Winkler's Jesse Hildebrand who rolled his highest score ever, a 205! That was also the highest score of the day for all athletes competing.

"I bowled a 205, and I was shocked," said Hildebrand with a very big smile, who noted he had a very simple approach to having such a good game.  "I just do my best."

And that sentiment is at the core of what Special Olympics Manitoba provides athletes with intellectual disabilities, giving them the opportunity to have their lives enriched through sport.

Cole Jarvie previously lived in Alberta, and was enrolled in Special Olympics programming there. Since moving to Winnipeg he has embraced the Special Olympics opportunities here, but has expanded well beyond that, too.

"I also do curling, I do 5-pin bowling, and at this moment that's what I'm doing for Special Olympics," he explained. "Outside of Special Olympics, I do two adult leagues. I have a 5-pin league I go to, as well as an adult curling league that I'm now going to be a part of as of this next season."

Jarvie says Special Olympics is an amazing opportunity for those with intellectual disabilities.

"It doesn't matter you're type of disability, whether you've got a really severe condition or a minor condition, it's great for everybody, it changes people's lives," said Jarvie. "Special Olympics has changed my life. Coming here has made a huge difference in just my environment, and being included and appreciated for who we are as people has been mind boggling and the best moment of my life."

people 10 pin bowlingAthletes bowling Saturday afternoon

Hildebrand shares the same feeling about the importance of Special Olympics.

"I think the best part is, well, definitely the sports, but it helped me make some new friends."

Brandon athlete Harvey Chambers also bowled at the tournament, telling Chris he's been part of the organization for years and enjoyed it very much.

"Meeting different people, socializing with old friends you met along the way, it's great," said Chamber. "You come to see people, and you shake their hand and they remember you."

You can listen to Chris's conversation with Harvey Chambers, Jesse Hildebrand and Cole Jarvie, below.