Garden Valley Collegiate and Northlands Parkway Collegiate art students will display their work for the month of May at Winkler Arts and Culture. Scott Bell is one of the visual arts teachers at GVC, and he is thrilled that his students' hard work will be featured. 

“Grade 9 through grade 12 will be featured, and all styles and mediums of art. So, paintings, sculptures, drawings, digital work and photography. And that's the tip of the iceberg.” 

We can expect over 180 pieces from GVC and NPC students to be featured. Bell says he is particularly fond of a surrealist collection of drawings from his grade 11 class, stating, "I think this is maybe the most talented class I've ever taught. There are so many gifted and imaginative kids.” 

Bell invites all to come out to see the artwork for a few reasons.  

“Chances are you're going to see the work of a of a kid that you know, or it's a child of someone you know. The connections within the community are huge. And [Winkler Arts and Culture] is a very friendly, inviting place. It doesn't take long to walk through. You can take as little or as much time as you want. There are friendly volunteers and staff, it’s a wonderful facility, and there’s a lot of great work to see. I'd encourage everyone to check it out.” 

Executive Director at Winkler Arts and Culture agrees that this is something special to see at the gallery. 

“Last year I was able to see it and it was amazing. It’s amazing what our youth can produce within those art classes. It exciting to have an opportunity for students to have a venue to display all their hard work.” 

Bell thanks the school division and community for their tremendous support. 

“Our art program is very well supported by the administration and school division. We are well funded, so the kids have wonderful art materials to work with and a wonderful facility to do art in. It's nice that the kids have that support to do their best work and then their best work is on display right now at the Winkler Arts and Culture gallery.” 

Listen to the full interview with Scott Bell and Connie Bailey by clicking below.