This weekend marks the 126th anniversary of Philippine Independence Day, and an all-day celebration is being planned by local Filipinos this Saturday (June 15) at Morden Suncatch Park, weather permitting. 

Jewel White is one of the organizers of the Philippine Independence Day Street Party celebrations, and she says this day is for everyone. 

“This is not just for the Filipinos in our region. Everyone is invited, so everybody in the region can see and experience our culture. This event is free, and it's family friendly.” 

White says this is the first Filipino street festival In Pembina Valley, and it has been a dream of hers for years. 

“I moved here 16 years ago, and it was my dream to have this. So, I was thankful to find like-minded Filipinos to get this going.” 

We can expect traditional Filipino food at the festival, as well as a fashion show to showcase elegant Philippine dresses. Filipino dancers and musicians will perform. There will also be something familiar to the Filipino culture, laughs White, “Everyone can sing their hearts out to karaoke. There's no Filipino party without karaoke.” 

Celebrating Philippine Independence Day is important to White. 

"There's going to be a stage play that summarizes the Independence Day story of the Philippines. It's quite an amazing story acknowledging the courage of our forefathers. I'm sure you're familiar like the Philippines have been colonized by Spanish rule for over 300 years. And 126 years ago, our ancestors had the courage to finally say ‘That's it. That's enough. We need our freedom. We want our freedom. We want our independence.’ So, I think that it's very important to reflect on that for the next generation, and also for the local community.”  

Celebrations begin and noon at the Morden Suncatch Park this Saturday, and will continue throughout the evening.  

Listen to the full interview with Jewel White and Connie Bailey below.