The City of Winkler is making the most of Manitoba's summer construction season
Several projects are in full swing, including the long-awaited North Railway renewal. 

Mayor Henry Siemens says work on the stretch between Main Street and Highway 32 started at the beginning of June. So far, he says work is on track to be completed within five weeks.

"It's progressing well. We are very happy with how fast it's moving. The contractor is making it a priority, despite the fact the weather hasn't fully cooperated as we've gone, we've been able to make good headway on that road."

Another project motorists are sure to notice if they go downtown, is underground sewer work on Mountain Avenue.

"This is to increase and make sure we renew some of that downtown sewer area, to make sure there's some capacity for increased densification as we continue to grow, and that those services are in good shape moving forward."

Siemens says they will be as unobtrusive as possible, working on short stretches, and remediate everything as quickly as possible before they move to the next section. 

"It should be a fairly fast-moving project, but you will definitely notice it if you go downtown." 

Looking east on North Railway Street in WinklerLooking east on North Railway Street in Winkler from Main Street corner. Photo taken on June 12th.