With last week's heavy rainfall dropping between 90 and 110 millimeters of rain on the Morden area, water is once again flowing over the spillway at Lake Minnewasta. Mayor Nancy Penner was asked to comment on how, for now, it appears the water supply for the city is in good shape.

"I still tell people, the city of Morden has a water license, and we can only pull so much water from the lake," she explained. "So, even though the lake has a lot of water, we still have to be good stewards of our water. That always has to be forefront, because our water supply is limited. We have to remember that."

Penner again thanked the community for heeding the urgent call last Friday to limit water use in order to take pressure off the city's sewer system which was overtaxed during the all day downpour. She noted there was some overland flooding in the community, one house that reported water in their basement and no reports of sewer back-up.

(Photo courtesy of Lake Minnewasta Campground Director Brian Thiessen) Morden Dam(Photo courtesy of Lake Minnewasta Campground Director Brian Thiessen) Morden Dam

"Yes, the supply is there but we can't use it all at once, because we're going to need it for the rest of the year," she added ."Still use your rain barrels. Do do you need to hose off your driveway, or would a leaf blower or push broom work just as well? So you got to think twice." 

Meanwhile, she is hopeful later this year they will be in a position to announce how the city will be moving forward with the future of the city's wastewater treatment.

- With files from Robyn Wiebe -