The Exploratory Grade 7/8 Youth in Philanthropy (YIP) class at Winkler Elementary School (WES) was all smiles Thursday as they donated to the Pembina Valley Humane Society (PVHS). 

YIP member Rome Loewen explained how they raised the $326 dollars from March 11-14th. 

"We raised money using a candy cart fundraiser to hand out to our school to give to the Pembina Valley Humane Society. During recesses, we got all into groups, we would push the candy cart all around the school and try to raise as much money as you possibly can."  

The donation was matched by the Winkler Community Foundation, making the total donation $652. 

Students making candy bags.(Submitted photo) Students making candy bags.

He described what it was like to work hard to give back. 

"It was a lot of fun handing out candy, raising money to help our furry friends," adding with a grin, "Paws for a Cause." 

He responded to the question, what is it like to meet Joshua from PVHS to give him the money?  

"It's amazing, you know, lots of people would like to do this and it's awesome."  

Class photo of the presentationThe 2024 Spring Exploratory Class making the cheque presentation to PVHS Community Engagement Person Joshua Funk.

YIP member Peyton Enns gave more details on what it was like selling the wide variety of candy consisting of Airheads, Push Pops, candy bags, chocolate bars and more. 

"It was really busy and there were a lot of people that constantly would just keep on buying, and buying, and buying, and then eventually we had run out. We kept on running out every time." 

He expressed his feelings about the donation they were able to make. 

"It makes me feel proud that our group could do this and. I'm just very glad to help out, it was fun." 

Enns will be going into high school next year and was asked if this made him consider joining the YIP at GVC. 

"I think so. I kind of didn't know what it was, and this really made me want to keep on going and helping out the community even more."  

The class helping out at PVHS(Submitted photo) The class helping out at PVHS

PVHS Community Engagement Person Joshua Funk said this cheque means everything to the shelter that is primarily run on donations. 

"There's honestly no way to describe how good it feels. When I was in high school, I went into YIP program, and I know they must feel awesome. The feeling when you're actively contributing to your community when you're younger, there's nothing better. And the fact we have younger people who are interested in us shows us we have a future still. People want to contribute. People want to help out with the shelter. That's just amazing." 

Funk said this donation will help with everyday operations of the shelter like vaccinations, supplies, and surgeries like the one recently done on Bailey Beagle who had her leg amputated. 

Outside playing with a dog

YIP teacher Kristen Tarnick was proud of her class who worked hard to raise the money for the shelter, noting they did more than just raise money. 

"After they came up with their fundraiser that they did for the Pembina Valley Humane Society, we actually got to go to the organization and actually get to do some volunteering. And it was really good for them to see where their money was going towards and getting to interact with some of the animals. They provided just some comfort care for the animals, we made treat bags, we collected some of their donations they already had, and organized some of their toys that they got. It was really great to see them get to see where the money was actually going." 

She said it was a great experience for the eighteen students in the class to learn what YIP was about and to learn what they could do and how they could help the community. 

Two students in the cat room