Garden Valley Collegiate took a special approach to teaching social responsibility by incorporating fundraising activities into their business courses. Students gained practical experience while contributing to meaningful community projects.

The venture development students spearheaded the effort with the Artisan Market. They had the chance to launch their own businesses, selling products and learning firsthand what it takes to be an entrepreneur. The proceeds from the market tables were part of Youth in Philanthropy (YIP), which combines business insight with community service.

"It feels really nice to see that as an organization as we put family resource center that we're seeing and that the kids can see what we're doing is valuable," said Chantal Human, executive director of Winkler Family Resource Center.

In accounting classes, students sold SPC cards, applying their knowledge to track sales through detailed journal entries. This exercise not only honed their accounting skills but also contributed to our fundraising goals. While, personal finance students organized a food drive and a donut sale, showcasing their ability to plan and execute successful fundraising events.

Student representatives from YIP came together to decide on grant distributions, guided by criteria such as their connection to the project, the impact on the GVC community, and the feasibility of funding community organizations projects.

"I think it's a great opportunity for the students because they get to make those tough decisions... I don't have a say in it, they're the ones that see the names and had really good discussions about how difficult it is to decide and... how that affects the community. Super tough decisions to make," said teacher Susana Hawryshko.

Fundraising is YIP's way of giving back to the community, and on Thursday they presented grants to five local organizations. Katie Cares received a grant of $100 to purchase pillowcases, Winkler Day Care Centre received $130 for new puzzles, and Winkler Family Resource Centre was granted $1,200 for their Coping with Change Program. Regional Connections' Settlement Workers in Schools program received $1,000 for transportation costs, and Adult and Teen Challenge was awarded $1,800 to support their addiction recovery groups.

"We're super excited. Anytime there's a community partnership, we're really excited about cultivating that. The funds will support our local Ready Now Recovery groups. One of the things that we're really excited about is having a real presence... our Pembina Valley Winkler office is connected to central Canada, and we run support groups for people who are struggling with life-controlling addictions." said Derek Neufeld, development director of Adult and Teen Challenge.

The students’ efforts and the community’s support have shown that philanthropy and education can create a lasting impact.