New technology is coming to the area near Fortier, West of Elie.


It's a plant constructed by Winnipeg's Res/op Technologies to dispose of organic waste or convert it into agricultural fertilizer.

President Ron Giercke  points out this technology utilizes high temperatures to process the materials.

He says there is growing demand for the this type of facility.

Because garbage is becoming more of and issue each day, and the cost of energy is rising.

One of the main features is it relies completely on the energy in the material it is processing.

It requires no additional fossil fuels or heat inputs to operate.

Giercke notes they will begin processing plain wood this month.

But by early next year they hope to include dead stock pending a licence from Manitoba Conservation.

He adds, in the future, they are  looking at processing municipal solid waste, hazardous waste, and medical waste.

Giercke stresses their process produces no smoke or odour.