The work was interrupted during Friday's heavy rain, but chainsaw carver Barry Dueck was still able to almost complete his latest pieces at Morden Park over the weekend.

Located at the south entrance to Morden Park, along Highway 3, the remaining 16 foot section of a 90 to 100 year old elm tree was turned into a piece of art last week. Most of the aging tree was cut down due to safety concerns related to its condition, and Dueck was thrilled to have the opportunity to create a new centerpiece to greet visitors to the park.

"It's a beautiful Elm tree and we're really lucky that we can save it," he said when we caught up with him at the work site. 

Barry Dueck near carving"We can make something beautiful out of it instead," said Barry, standing next to the piece while it was in process last week

Using a series of chainsaws of various sizes, Dueck is etched an Elm leaf on either side of the trunk, as well as the words "Morden Park" which will be carved vertically at both the entrance and the exit sides. The top of the trunk features an eagle.

Dueck has seen the demand for creativity increase significantly recently.

"In the last couple of years, I've actually got quite busy, to the point where it it could almost become full time for me," he shared. "I have enough for the summer to keep me busy all summer this year." 

While reporter Pam Fedack stopped by the worksite Monday morning, Dueck indicated he would be torching the piece today, adding a nest at the top, and varnish the entire carving. He also shared he would like to potentially carve another eagle on top of the 16 foot tall trunk.

Alongside those driving by, or taking a walk through the park this week, attendees of Sunday's (June 2nd) Back 40 Folk Festival will be among the first to enjoy the piece in its completed form.

For more on this story, check out the video below and the previous story with Barry Dueck further down the page.

- With files from Pam Fedack -