Roads are at the centre of several conversations happening in the R.M. of Morris right now.
As we told you in the most recent episode of Reeve on the Radio this past Thursday, the Municipality received some surprising news recently. Provincial Road 205 is on the Province's slate of summer construction projects for this year. 

As Reeve Scott Siemens understands, the lanes of the highway from Rosenort east to PTH 75 will be repaved, the shoulders will also get paved and then a clay capping will be installed on the slopes increasing its flood mitigation potential by helping against future overland flooding wave action.

Meanwhile, Siemens stressed Council is certainly aware roads throughout the municipality have taken a bit of a beating this Spring with the weather we've had so far.

"We've definitely noted our municipal roads have taken a beating," he said. "Spring planting commenced pretty quick, and then we had the nice heavy rain shower which exposed potholes. Our public works (staff) are out there as hard as they can, as fast as they can, subject to weather again. And also, provincial highways, we definitely know there are other highways in our R.M. that in some cases are in dire need of upkeep, and we will continue to push and comment as much as we can."

Meantime, some changes could be coming to the solid waste pickup program in Lowe Farm. 

"The R.M. put out a bit of a survey, I think it was last year some time, asking what public interest was for solid waste collection changing to more of a bin-style collection," explained Siemens. "Overall, we felt responses were in favour of something like that, so we have put out a tender for solid waste collection which would involve having bins now."

The opportunity to bid will remain open for a few weeks.

With files from Chris Sumner.
For more with Reeve Siemens, take a listen to the latest Reeve on the Radio below.