A shot of the several hundred people who attended last Friday's fundraiser


They normally keep the community safe, but last Friday the members of Winkler Fire Rescue were serving up delicious meals.

The department's annual fundraising dinner took place at the Winkler Bergthaler Church with all 800 tickets being sold.

Chief Garry Klassen says the event was a complete sell out.

He says it's important for the department to hold this event, not only for the fundraising aspect, but also to show everyone can work together through community involvement.

Klassen also used the occasion to announce they will be holding the grand opening of the city's new fire hall on Pembina Avenue June 5th.

The department moved into the building earlier this year.

It dramatically increased the amount space available to them, and also now allows them to do training twelve months of the year.

The numbers are still being crunched from the fundraiser.

The money is used to purchase specialty items not normally included in the city's budget.

Klassen says it's still to be determined what will be purchased this year.



A member of Winkler Fire Rescue taking a moment between customers at the buffet line


~ Monday, May 3rd 2010 ~