Meghann Turner is on the board of The Manitou Opera House, and she was here to tell us about another concert coming up.

Fiinn will be on stage on Saturday, June 1st, 7 p.m. at the Manitou Opera House. Opening up for them is Lakes and Pines.

"I think they both qualify as indie-rock, Fiinn probably has a bit more of a driving sound, especially if they're playing from their newer, full length album. Lakes and Pines have a bit more of an ethereal feel. Sort of slower story telling, but not all of it, they have quite a mix as well."

Just a few weeks ago they hosted The Razberry Jam, and it was a great turnout.

"We had so much local support, and even though I say local bands, the talent was still incredible. That's what you find in this province."

Of course, the goal of the concert is to entertain the audience, but it's also to raise some money.

"We're fundraising to support our endeavours at the Manitou Opera House. So, to be able to keep the building running, so we can continue to offer quality arts programming to the community, and communities beyond."

You can hear in Meghann's voice that she's really excited for this show.

"I think this is going to be an unforgettable night of music, even if this isn't technically your style or genre that you regularly listen to. This is the band that stopped me dead in my tracks, both of these bands have so much talent."

Tickets are $25 for adults, $15 under 17.

Doors open at 6 p.m. and the concert starts at 7 p.m.