On June 6, 2024, Morden held a respectful ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The event brought together veterans, current military personnel, and community members in a heartfelt tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of those who stormed the beaches of Normandy in 1944.

Attendees gathered at the local Confederation Park with flags and wreaths, to honor the heroes of the past. The ceremony began with the playing of "The Last Post," a solemn bugle call that set a reflective tone. 

"Well, we're here for my dad [Peter Hildebrand]. He was in the landing wave and that's why we're here. It means a lot to remember these fellows... they were full of fear and they were representing what they believed in," said Jeff Hildebrand, who attended the commemoration service.

Current members of the Canadian Armed Forces stood in uniform, a tribute to the ongoing commitment to service and duty that travels through generations. These men and women not only paid respects to their predecessors but also inspired the community with their dedication to protecting the values and freedoms fought for on D-Day.

"One of the things that's near and dear to my heart today is I want everybody to remember the sacrifices that were made 80 years ago today. It's something that I believe more people should take part in and take an hour to remember what was sacrificed that day and remember the Canadians and allied forces that we lost. That's what brings me to services like this," said Dennis Macklemore, representing the fire department. 

Speeches were delivered by local dignitaries and military officials, who spoke of the courage and resilience displayed by the Allied forces. They highlighted the importance of remembering and teaching future generations about the sacrifices made for freedom.

"As a former member of the Canadian Forces, it's always important to remember what my predecessors did and the sacrifices they made. So it's important to me that we put this kind of things together to remember because it was a historic event. It was very hurtful event for many families all across the country, and local people... so it's important that we remember this so that we don't do it again," said Ken Wiebe, a retired Chief Warrant Officer for the Canadian Air Force.

The ceremony concluded with the laying of a wreath, a gesture of respect and remembrance. In Morden, the spirit of D-Day lives on, a powerful reminder of the bravery and sacrifice that continues to inspire and unite people across generations.