On the morning of June 15, 2024, community members gathered at Tabor Home for the annual Alzheimer's Walk in Morden, raising an impressive $1150. This event, aimed at increasing awareness and funds for Alzheimer's and Dementia, saw people come together to support a cause close to many hearts.

"We're just so excited to have opportunities to come together, show that we all know about dementia, that we're okay with dementia, that we're gonna live our best life with dementia," said Rebecca Atkinson, Regional Coordinator of the Alzheimer's Society of Manitoba. "I think it just helps them [those impacted] feel like they're not alone. Look at all these people that know about dementia, that are here supporting it, that are here with love... hopefully everyone learns that there is support through the Alzheimer Society."

The walk was not just a fundraiser, it showed solidarity through the residents of Tabor Home, many affected by Alzheimer's and Dementia. Participants walked alongside the residents, many pushing wheelchairs so residents could participate, demonstrating a strong sense of community and compassion. The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm and a shared determination to make a difference.

"I was looking forward to this annual event because there are people that are cooped up inside, and this way they enjoy the weather... I think it's worthwhile because a number of my friends passed away from this disease," said attendee Ron Peters.

The walk allowed the residents of Tabor Home to engage with the community, enjoy the outdoors, and experience collective support. For many, it was a chance to connect and feel support, which is often a key element in enhancing their quality of life.

Organizers of the walk expressed their gratitude for the community's participation. The funds raised will go towards the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba, enhancing support services and programs for those living with Alzheimer's and Dementia.

"We've had a lot of family touched by Alzheimer's.. I just hope that one day they could find a cure for it all so that other people wouldn't have to suffer," said participant Donald Holenski.

Overall, the Alzheimer's Walk at Tabor Home demonstrated the power of community action and compassion. It brought together people to support a cause that affects many and showed the importance of continued efforts in the fight against Alzheimer's and Dementia.

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