Youth For Christ (YFC) in Altona has once again fired up its grill for fundraising. Every Wednesday throughout the summer, the smell of barbecue fills the air as YFC hosts its weekly BBQ lunches, a fundraising initiative essential to maintaining its programs.

From sausage burgers to hot dogs, these BBQ lunches are more than just a midweek treat for Altona—they show how much the community supports its youth. Each lunch purchased directly contributes to YFC's mission of providing a safe, supportive environment for young people.

"One of our main taglines is to see potential in every young person, and every kid that we see does have potential. Sometimes we need to drag it out of them," said Marty Falk, YFC program director. "We love the support that the community gives us at these barbecues and just in general. We appreciate that very much."

The funds raised will go towards continuing various programs that promote personal growth, leadership, and positive values among the youth. By providing a safe space, YFC keeps teens out of trouble and gives them something productive to do, including learning practical skills like reading a tape measure or playing musical instruments.

"We come every summer, almost every Wednesday. My son is involved in the program, so I want to support them, its a big part of our community... it's just a safe area to be a kid," said attendee Julie Neiemczak.

The BBQs have become a summer staple in Altona, drawing crowds who not only appreciate the food but also the purpose. Volunteers, over the summer will include local youth and YFC staff, work hard each week to prepare and serve meals, creating an environment of shared responsibility.

For many attendees, these BBQs are a special summer tradition. Families frequently participate, with parents appreciating the safe and engaging environment that YFC provides. The community’s consistent support highlights the importance of YFC’s mission and the positive impact it has on local youth.

"I think that it's so important that young people have something better to do, especially now... I just wish them success, because it's so important what they're doing with their ministry," said attendee Elaine Gitzel.

The group also receives strong backing from local businesses, recognizing the significant role YFC plays in the community. Their support helps ensure that YFC can continue offering essential programs.

"We think they're a great organization... so any chance that we can get to support them, we love to do that," said Tina Schmidt, co-owner of Main Street Market and Hometown Heritage in Altona, one of YFC's sponsors. "I think it has a huge impact on the community because it gives kids a safe space to go to and spend time with each other. Get some really positive influences in your life, which is super important. Everybody can use more good influences in their life."

By enjoying a meal at these weekly BBQs, community members are making a meaningful impact, ensuring that YFC can keep its programs thriving.