Every month, the South Central Regional Library Winkler Branch transforms into an exciting battleground for its popular Nerf battles, welcoming participants of all ages. 

"A lot of kids' understanding was that libraries are very quiet, you cannot have fun in them at all, and you have to not touch anything... part of it, for me, was breaking the stigma. I think that libraries are more fun than people think that they are," said Mikaela Warkentin Winkler Library Summer Programmer. "It's really about making the space more accessible to people and Nerf battles... who doesn't want to run around in the library?"

This creative program, originally inspired by summer programming, has quickly become a special event for the community, drawing a consistent crowd of 40 to 60 participants each time.

“The energy is incredible... it’s being part of a fun chaos," said Daniel Dyck, a library clerk who hosts the events. “One of the favourite games is adults versus children. The kids love it and, interestingly enough, the adults have never won. It’s a thrill for everyone involved.”

The events start at 7 PM, with participants signing waivers if it's their first time. Then the library is filled with activity as players strategize and dive into their Nerf battles, through different challenges. Despite the stray Nerf bullets found weeks later on tops of shelves, behind books, and anywhere they can fit, the excitement it brings to the kids, adults, and library staff makes it all worthwhile.

"It was unexpectedly fun. The first time I was expecting to sit on the sidelines and quickly detoured from that and started playing hard every time. It's awesome," said parent Mike Dueck.

The program aims to break the traditional image of libraries as strictly quiet and serious spaces. By hosting Nerf battles, the library introduces itself as a dynamic and welcoming centre of activity. 

"It's awesome. It's a good outlet. Right after work, after school, we get to play and spend time together. I'm glad it's a regular thing," said Neil Nerim, a first-time attendee and parent who brought his kids.

Looking ahead, there are plans to continue these monthly Nerf battles throughout the year, possibly increasing their frequency if demand grows. This initiative not only fosters a sense of community but also reshapes how people perceive and use their local library.