Grad season is here, and Rhineland Municipality Reeve Don Wiebe had a message to share with grads during Thursday morning's Reeve on the Radio.

"I want to commend the 2024 graduating class for all your achievements and accomplishments," shared the Reeve. "Your graduation is not only a celebration of your individual achievements, but also of your collective experience, notably a sense of community. It is our hope that as you embark on your next chapter, whether employment, travel, post second education, that you will continue to build relationships, and thereby foster our sense of community. We wish you well in your next chapter."

The Reeve also touched on 2025 Assessment, with the figures now in for the municipality.

"Last week, Rhineland council had a visit from the Assessment Branch with the purpose of explaining the impact of the new report," he explained. "The report showed residential assessment increased 18%, agriculture assessment increased 11% and commercial assessment was up by 9%. Across all the assessment categories, we were up by 13%, and this is on the par with the Province, which is also up by 13 percent."

You can listen to the entire conversation between CFAM Radio 950 Morning Show Host Chris Sumner and Reeve Don Wiebe, below.