Carman community members had a chance to discuss current issues Thursday with the leader of the Progressive Conservative party.


Hugh McFadyen talked about the next N.D.P. Throne Speech.

He says there are issues they want to see in the next speech, including public safety, a plan for the financial challenges the Province is facing, and changes to the health care system that will make it more responsive.

Another issue is the Bipole III transmission line, and whether it should be constructed on the east or west side of the province.

McFadyen says they are hoping the decision to have the line constructed on the west side can be reversed, because having it on the west side could have catastrophic consequences to hydro rate payers.

He adds this longer line would be a waste of money and power.

McFadyen also spoke about the audit being done on Manitoba Hydro, with a consultant being quoted as saying the company is over extended.

He says they are concerned about this report, and says there needs to be an independent review.

McFadyen notes through this review, they can find out if this information is credible, or if it is exaggerating the potential impacts.



McFayden speaks with Carman community members


~ Friday, October 23rd 2009 ~