For the first time, the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba is offering its Minds in Motion program for free. This opportunity is open from May 24th to June 21st. Those interested can drop by the Winkler Senior Centre any Friday from 1-3 pm. Minds in Motion is a weekly fitness program designed for people with early to moderate signs of dementia and their care partner. It includes a gentle chair fitness class, followed by engaging activities and conversation.

Rebecca Atkinson joined the morning show to talk about the program, she described what to expect at a Minds in Motion event, "We'll start off with some fitness, then we're going to have some coffee and snacks and chat together. Then we're going to do mind challenging games, there's there's a whole host of things. And if you really like a game, bring it along, we are flexible!"

Typically, this program would require registration and come with a $65 fee, but his month they are hoping to break down any barrier to entry. Minds in Motion is open to people living with dementia and their support person. Atkinson commented on how their program can help those with dementia, "Living with dementia poses lots of challenges. Sometimes life can feel kind of hard, and so this equips you with ways to have fun and create a circle of support around you, to feel like you're not alone. To realize how stimulating the brain can awaken it for short periods a little more and you can say 'Oh wow, after I exercise I get more blood flow and I'm able to recall things a little easier."

To learn more about Minds in Motion and the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba click here!

Poster containing details about the event