We're looking for People of Quality.  What their quality is, doesn't really matter.  They could be really good at growing 'Movember" moustaches.  Maybe they're the best at decorating their house for Christmas.  Possibly they're always there to lend a hand.  Whether it's a silly, serious or outarageous reason, click the McDonald's banner on the right hand side of this page to nominate someone.  If we choose your entry, the person you nominated will win a $75 McDonald's Gift Card, and you'll win a $50 gift card.    So nominate your person of quality today, and stop by McDonald's anytime before the 29th of November for a free McDonald's Preimium Coffee.


Friday's Winners: Roger Brown, nominated by Alma Brown.

Thursday's Winners: Kristy Teichroeb, nominated by Tracy Teichroeb.

Wednesday's Winners: Amy & Kaitlyn Peters, nominated by Mike Peters. 

Tuesday's Winners: Robert Froese, nominated by Suzana Froese.

Monday's Winners: Andrew Warkentin, nominated by Tami Thiessen.