The idea of installing a sewer system in the Rhineland Ag Park, north of Altona, is taking another step forward. 

A previous study, done a few years ago, examined the pros and cons of a common septic field, low-pressure sewer and finally, a full gravity sewer complete with a lift station and force main.

Now, Reeve Don Wiebe says Council is looking to forge ahead with a full sewer option. 

"There's a renewed interest and so, we applied for a grant to see what a full sewer would look like in that area and get a bit of an idea of what the issues are," he explained. 

Recently, Council learned that the Manitoba Water Services Board will cover 50 per cent of the cost for the new study, estimated to cost between $90,000 and $100,000. The Municipality will foot the remaining 50 per cent of the bill. 

Wiebe added, the installation of a full sewer would set the stage for future growth in the ag park.

"It's not for me to comment, but there's some speculation of a large enterprise coming so, this is what's needed. This will set the stage for that and if it doesn't happen, this still sets the stage going forward."

With the grant in-hand, Council will now seek out a firm to conduct the new study and Wiebe hopes to have the findings on his desk by Fall.