After a year of negotiations, the Garden Valley School Division and its library technicians have reached a collective agreement.


Talks were held between the board and the Christian Labour Association of Canada, the union representing the group.
Garden Valley Secretary Treasurer Terry Penner says the process went well with no conflicts.
The agreement lays out issues on identifying specific hours of work, seniority, lay-off and re-call procedures, also grievance and arbitration procedures.
From the date of signing March 20th until the end of this school year, the library technicians will receive a 1.5% increase, another 3% for 2007/2008, and for the 2008/2009 school year an additional 3 % .
Penner says agreements still need to be reached between their bus drivers and educational assistants.
The Christian Labour Association of Canada also represents them.
Those negotiations have not yet begun.