The Garden Valley Collegiate (GVC) and Northlands Parkway Collegiate (NPC) graduates came together for a fantastic celebration at the Grad Parade. 

"13 years of school built up to this giant event here... and then I'm moving on to university. So, while it is a good break, I know that I'm still moving on to the next thing afterwards," said Brock Becker, graduate and member of the after-grad committee. "With the parade being GVC and NPC combined, I like the camaraderie shown between the two schools instead of the rivalry we typically have."

This incredible event, held on Thursday evening, recognized their hard work and success. The graduates paraded through the streets, showcasing their creativity and enthusiasm with decorated vehicles, floats, and stylish dresses and suits.

This festive occasion marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter for these graduates, full of endless opportunities and bright futures. 

"My favourite part is the opportunity to connect with everyone one last time... it's the end of an era," said graduate Dasha Kipyachova.

The Grad Parade will be a cherished memory of their academic journey, symbolizing their dedication and the incredible support they received from their families, friends, and community. 

"It's going to be good to close one chapter. It's been a different high school experience because of COVID. Our last two years are probably our most normal ones... it's sad it's ending, but at the same time, it's super exciting," said graduate Delaney Penner.

It was a moment of celebration, highlighting the conclusion of years of effort and the promising adventures ahead.